Focus Areas

in Focus areas
The Congolese paradox is that of a country with an enormous agriculture potential, but which, however, is struggling to feed itself.
in Focus areas
In a report published in 2013, the United Nations’ International Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF) indicate that in the DRC, more than one child out of four does not go to school,

in Focus areas
In DRC, the health situation continues to be characterized by morbidity and mortality of which the intensity is increased by poverty and food insecurity which the majority of the population lives in.

in Focus areas
In an environment where young girls who, for lack of education or work opportunities, get into premature marriages and in which women enjoy little consideration

in Focus areas
In a report published in 2013, the United Nations’ International Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF) indicate that in the DRC, more than one child out of four does not go to school,

in Focus areas
Distance adoption or sponsoring or even support of one or several children is an act of solidarity which guarantees the under age of the most deprived countries as well as to their families, economic aid allowing them to receive basic resources, education and health care that they badly need ...